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Metal osteosynthesis


A dislocation of the left hip, а fragmentary fracture of the posterior edge of the acetabulum.
A surgical intervention: an open reposition, MOS (an osteosynthesis) of the posterior edge of the left acetabulum.

A fragmentary fracture of the clastic fracture of the wing and body of the ilium, rupture of the pubic symphysis, a type of the fracture C1.
A surgical intervention: MOS of the symphysis pubis, right iliac bone on the right with plates, screws.

Trans acetabular fracture, fracture of the lower branch of the pubic bone on the right with displacement. Surgery.
A surgical intervention: MOS of anterior and posterior columns of the acetabulum on the right with plates, screws.

A later fracture of the side mass of the aitcbone, the fractures of the sharebone and ischial bones on the right, a type of the fracture C1.
Creation of the individual navigation system.
MOS of the side mass of the aitcbone and a sharebone with a plate and the sсrews.